Tabitha's Heart

Encouragement for Christian women

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This Week's News

It is a new year and I am just getting around to that much need site updating. I have already started the update but there is more in store for you in the coming weeks. Here are some of the changes you can expect.

Website: I am streamlining the website. In the next few weeks you will see several layout changes. Part of this will include the combining of some features and removal or redesign others. This is being done in an attempt to make the site easier for me to maintain and hopefully more useful to you.

Newsletter:The newsletter has gotten neglected in the day to day struggles of life. I am in the process of preparing a new one that will be sent sometime in February. If you have any questions about the process, feel free to email us.

Cookbook: Life has gotten in the way of the cookbook as well. There is just so much one person can do. For those who entered the recipe contest, you have not been forgotten. I have not officially drawn the name of the grand prize winner but that person is going to be pleased with their goodies, I think. I will draw the winning name closer to the time when the cookbook is complete.

Blogs:I will be combining my two blogs very shortly. I simply do not have the time to maintain two of them. I have been working on a number of knitting designs that you can find on my blog. I have still more on the drawing board. These will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Music: This week's music selection is Unto Thee Oh Lord. Enjoy!

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Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, ....She was full of good works and acts of charity. ~Acts9:36

Copyright Information. All materials on this site are protected by copyright. The materials on this site are the property of Tabitha's Heart or the specified author and are used with permission of the original author. Permission to reprint must be obtained from the original author. Links to the author's sites are provided for your convenience. Nothing on this site may be reprinted for sale. Some of the graphics are from Heartlight Christian Graphics and are used according to their guidelines.

All knitting patterns are original designs belonging to Tabitha's Heart and are also protected by copyright. They are offered free of charge to encourage their use in knitting ministries. You are free to use this pattern for personal and non-commercial use or for teaching knitting classes provided the classes are offered free of charge and credit is given to the designer. You may not sell any pattern in either electronic or print form or use it in any way for financial gain without express written permission of the owner. In short, I am not making money from my work so you shouldn't be either. You may not distribute the pattern in print or electronic form without the express written permission of the owner. If you would like to share this pattern with your friends, please direct them to the Tabitha's Heart website.

All materials offered by Tabitha's Heart are provided for free. We do not sell anything, nor do we accept advertising or donations.

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