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Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
II Timothy 2:15


Bible Topic of the Month

Jeremiah the Prophet

I have been reading the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations lately and have been touched by the patience and severity of God. God is so patient with the people of Judah, repeatedly offering them ways to save themselves. Yet he also carries out his promises. I have been touched by the poignancy of the book of Lamentations as Jeremiah pleads to God on behalf of the people of Judah. Yet in the midst of his pleading Jeremiah says these words which beautifully sum up the extent of his faith.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
Lamentations 3:22-27 ESV


Teaching Tips

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ~ Colossians 3:16

In this column, we plan to share ideas for teaching the Bible, particularly teaching the Bible to children.

Well Worn Bible Jeopardy Game Board

Bible Jeopardy Game

I always enjoyed TV Jeopardy. The categories, the Daily Double, Final Jeopardy, even the theme music. Wouldn’t this be a fun way to reinforce your lessons with the kids. There is a computerized classroom version of Jeopardy available but at around $600, it is rather expensive for a family. So I decided to make my own low tech version of the game that I could use at home and in Bible classes. The game board can be assembled in one afternoon using commonly available and affordable supplies. I think I made the one pictured for under $30 dollars but I don’t remember an exact cost.

Supplies Needed

Project Display board ( cardboard, wood, corrugated plastic or foam)
Library pockets (purchase from school supply store or make your own)
Index cards
Magnet strips or dots
Card stock
Glue (use a kind appropriate for Project board)
Dark color permanent marker
Punch out letters (optional)
Clear address labels (optional)
Laminator (optional)
Craft knife (optional)

Assembly Instructions

Paint display board desired color, if necessary. Decide how many rows and columns you would like your game to have. I prefer to fill the board and then I can adjust the number of column used to the game or the age group. Calculate the spacing of the pockets for your board based on the number of columns and rows you want. If you have a laminator available, you can laminate your library pockets for added durability. If you do this, you will need to reopen each pocket by gently cutting the film at the top of the pocket using a craft knife. Be careful to only cut the film and not the pocket.

Glue library pockets to the display board using sturdy glue appropriate for the type of display board leaving enough space at the top for categories and a game title if you plan to use those. I prefer to use colored pockets so that each column has a single color but you can use the manila ones too. Add a title to game board using punch out letters or make you own (optional). Add a 1 inch strip of magnet tape or a couple of magnet dots to the top of each column of pockets to allow you to attach a category. Add a point value to each pocket by either attaching printed address labels or writing it on the pocket with permanent marker. . The first row is worth the least points , the second row is worth the next amount of points and so on until each row had a point value. I used 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 points but you can use any point value that you choose. Your game board is now ready to go.

Now you will need to decide on categories and questions. Write or print your questions and answers on index cards or card stock. Remember to add the category and point value to each of the question cards to make it easier to prepare the game for use. If you like you can use colored index cards that match the colored library pockets to make it even easier to set up. Print or write categories using card stock or index cards. Attach a magnet dot or a small piece of magnet strip to the back of each category card. Slide your question cards into the appropriate pocket and your game is now set up are ready to use.

There are a number of games that can be played using the same board. You can play as individuals or as teams depending on the size and age of the class. To play Bible Jeopardy have the child or team choose a question. The child will need to specify a category and a point value (e.g. Places for 100 points). For younger children, it might be easier for you to allow them to choose the category and then work from top to bottom within the category. If you have used colored pockets, the child can choose a color instead of a category. Read the question and allow the child or team a few minutes to answer it. If they answer correctly, give them the points. For older kids, I hand them the question card but for younger kids, I make a stack on the table for each child or team. If the child answers incorrectly, you can either allow someone else to answer the question, replace the question on the board for someone else to choose or read the correct answer and eliminate the question. When you run out of questions or time, the game is over. You can do a Final Jeopardy question if you desire. For younger groups, I usually do not make a big deal over who the winner is since everyone is a winner if they are learning the Bible. Older kids are more competitive and less likely to cry if they loose so they generally want to know who won. I generally use a standard Question and Answer format for the game rather than having to answer in the form of a question like the real Jeopardy but that is really up to you.

I have used this at game at home with my kids home schooling. To do this, I have put more than one color coded card into each pocket. Each card has an age appropriate question for that category. When the child chooses a category and point value, I choose the card for his age level. That way the 4 year old can play the same game as the 10 year old and the 15 year old and each will have an equal chance to win.

These are more general guidelines rather than a specific pattern so if you have problems understanding the instructions, feel free to email me at with any questions you may have.

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Teaching the Books of the Bible

One of the first things we should teach our children is the books of the Bible. They can start learning these at a very early age. My oldest could say all 66 books in order at age 2. It is a simple matter of repetition. Sing them or say them every week in class and every day at home. You can also use games like to ones on the Just for Fun page to reinforce learning.
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One of my favorite visual aids for teaching the books of the Bible is to Bible Book Worm. To make your Book Worm, you will need to cut 66 small circles and one slightly larger circle in different colors of craft or construction paper. The size of the circle will depend on the amount of space you want to use - 1 inch circles make a good size for a take home for a child while 6 inch makes a good size for a wall decoration. On the large circle draw a happy face - decorate it with wiggly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae if you like. On each of the other circles, write the name of one of the books of the Bible. Now glue or tape the edges of the circles together so that you form a long worm with the books of the Bible in order. You don't have to do this in a straight line since worms are usually wiggly. You can also do this as two worms - one for the New Testament and one for the Old Testament. This is a fun and colorful visual aid for teaching the books of the Bible.

Another way to reinforce the learning of the books of the Bible is with games. Here is a simple and fun game to try after the child has a basic knowledge of the order of the books. You will need a soft ball like a beach ball, a bean bag or some other item to toss. Have the children stand in a circle. Toss the ball to one of the students while saying a book of the Bible. Start with Genesis or Matthew when you first try this game but later you can start with any book.

The child who catches the ball then throws it to another child while saying the next book of the Bible in sequence. Play continues until someone misses or you have recited the books of the Bible the desired number of times. If someone misses, you can either start over at the spot were they missed a book or have that child sit down. If you are continuing the game without eliminating anyone, end the game when you have gone through the books of the Bible the desired number of times - getting a little faster with each repetition. With middle school aged kids, you can go through all 66 books several times in five minutes. With younger ones, it will take a little longer. If you are playing with elimination, the last child standing is the winner. I usually prefer to play without elimination so I am certain we will get through all 66 books. If you are playing indoors, you might want to require them to gently toss the ball to the child closest to them to avoid any property damage. Outdoors you can get a little wilder.

Hope you find these tips useful in your efforts to teach the Bible. I will be posting more ideas periodically so check back.

If you have any great teaching ideas that you would like to share, please email them to us. You may see your idea in a future column.


Bible Study Notes

Here is a wonderful video from website to a Bible course offered by the World Video Bible School. The class is Jeremiah and Lamentations. The lessons can be viewed on line or downloaded to your computer for viewing later. The teacher Chuck Horner is interesting and insightful. I think you will find the class as enjoyable as I did. The videos utilize Quicktime software which is an included with most internet browsers. These are available free of charge. I hope you find them helpful.

WVBS Lesson - Jeremiah and Lamentations


Parenting Pointers

How to Teach your Child The Bible!!!

William Lyon Phelps, the noted educator, once declared that a knowledge of the Bible without a college education is worth more than a college education without a knowledge of the Bible. With this statement we heartily agree. It is hard to exaggerate the great value of a working knowledge of the Bible. Fortunate indeed is the child whose parents realize the responsibility, the necessity, and the wonderful opportunity of teaching their children the Bible.

Example alone is not enough. We would not in the least minimize the importance of setting the right example before the child by living daily the principles of truth taught in the Scriptures. But this is NOT enough. To build a faith in the child that is strong and to equip him to meet the temptations he shall surely face in life, we must teach him by word and deed the Bible. It is significant that Jesus met temptation with the Word of God (Matthew 4). Each temptation was met with "It is written." It is still true in the 20th century that there is a Scripture that will help us successfully overcome every temptation, James says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." The Word of God is our offensive weapon against sin and Satan (Ephesians 6:17).

One of the best ways to train the child in the home is through the medium of a daily devotional. There is something sweet and sublime about a father, mother, and children sitting down together in the quiet of their home, reading the Bible and having prayer. Each father and mother should figure out what time of day is the most logical for the family to have a devotional. For many families the best time may be in the evening just before retiring. If the father works in the evening it may be that immediately following breakfast or lunch is the logical time.

It only takes about five minutes after the family has finished the meal to read a brief selection from the Bible, make a few comments, select a choice verse for the entire family to repeat several times together, and close by having prayer. This may be done while the family is still seated around the table. Such devotionals build spiritual strength and draw the family closer to each other and to God. The family that prays together stays together. In the years ahead these minutes will constitute precious memories that will fortify the soul!

Children enjoy the thrilling stories of the Bible and they can be taught to memorize some of the great passages so easily. Several years ago on the television program "Know Your Bible" a panel of lawyers were asked Bible questions. One prominent attorney was especially well versed in the Old Testament. Here was the explanation he gave for it: "I came from a large family. My father in the evenings read us Bible stories. We had to listen to the story and then write it. I have never forgotten what I learned as a child."

Remember your child will be a child only once. Fleeting years of childhood will soon be gone forever and with them will go the opportunity of training your child in the Bible. Begin today a serious systematic effort! You will be giving him something that cannot be taken from him when you are gone, that will fortify his soul against the attacks of sin and Satan. Begin today!

from the website

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Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, ....She was full of good works and acts of charity. ~Acts9:36

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All knitting patterns are original designs belonging to Tabitha's Heart and are also protected by copyright. They are offered free of charge to encourage their use in knitting ministries. You are free to use this pattern for personal and non-commercial use or for teaching knitting classes provided the classes are offered free of charge and credit is given to the designer. You may not sell any pattern in either electronic or print form or use it in any way for financial gain without express written permission of the owner. In short, I am not making money from my work so you shouldn't be either. You may not distribute the pattern in print or electronic form without the express written permission of the owner. If you would like to share this pattern with your friends, please direct them to the Tabitha's Heart website.

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